Many Nations Ltd is an Australian registered charity and maintains the status of being a Public Benevolent Institute (PBI).

Many Nations Ltd was created in 2021 by our parent company, Silver Lining Foundation Australia.  We were created to provide ancillary support to SLFA schools.

The main functions of Many Nations Ltd include:

Many Nations Aboriginal Hostels

We provide ABSTUDY approved hostel accommodation for students attending our schools and Vocational Education & Training.

Vocational Education & Training

We deliver industry specific VET training where First Nation students can live and be trained on country.

AUS/USA Exchange Program

Between 8th - 23rd October 2022 we are piloting the first of our exchange programs. Our vision is to host an annual exchange program where First Nations Australians travel to the US and in the alternate year, First Nations US participants are hosted here in Australia.
John Mills Himself Building is the Head Office of Silver Lining Foundation Australia and Many Nations Limited, located in the Brisbane CBD.



We value the deeply interconnected ways of being in the world that characterise many Indigenous and First Nations cultures.  We believe that the breakdown of these relationships of reciprocity have directly contributed to the rise in harmful and destructive human activities.  Education has the capacity to not only help build knowledge and skills but inspire the development of more integrated and generative ways of being in the world.

We believe that Indigenous Educators are uniquely positioned and experienced to develop education practices that position western scientific tools within more integrated and relational ways of thinking, knowing and being.

Further, we acknowledge the need for Indigenous-led approaches to the training and equipping of educators.  We value the importance of place, collaboration across cultural boundaries, Indigenous knowledge and the power of peer-to-peer and embodied learning.


Our vision is to see First Nations Educators equipped to bring uniquely Indigenous approached to education and training.


Our mission is to facilitate a professional and cultural exchange for First Nation Educators between Australia and United States.  Participants will engage in learning experiences through immersion in First Nation communities, exposure to diverse practices and the founding of lasting personal and professional relationships.

8th to 23rd OCTOBER 2022


Between 8th – 23rd October 2022 we are piloting the first of our educator exchange programs.  We plan to host an annual exchange program where First Nation Australians travel to the United State of America and in the alternate year, First Nations US Educators would travel to Australia to be hosted.

The Pilot will help us test and develop a culturally appropriate educator exchange program that will deliver benefits for educators and First Nations young people.

We will get the opportunity to engage with key First Nations Educational Institutes in the US and develop partnerships with key First Nations Educators.  We will also get the opportunity to engage with key Networks and Representative Bodies and visit Pueblos and engage with grassroots community people.  

The opportunity to learn, share ideas and foster culturally appropriate innovation in the field of First Nations education will be a major focus of our program.


We have had selected 6 First Nations Ambassadors from a diverse range of industries from across Australia to participate in our inaugural trip to the U.S.

Our Ambassadors will play a critical role in developing the concept of the International Educator Exchange Program into the future.



The Ambassadors have been selected based on their professional standings within their industries and they also represent a diverse demographic.

Our inaugural Many Nations Ambassadors are:  Murray Saylor (Torres Strait Islands), David Hudson (QLD), Hope Davison (NSW & ACT), David Gough (TAS), Karen Jacobs (WA).



3 days in Minneapolis

2 days in Milwaukee

1 day in Denver

1 day in Santa Fe

2 days in Albuquerque

1 day in the Navajo Nation

1 day at Monument Valley

2 days at the Grand Canyon

1 day in Las Vegas

1 day in Twentynine Palms

1 day in Joshua Tree & Palm Springs

3 days in Los Angeles & Malibu



PO Box 517
Spring Hill QLD 4000

Basement, 40 Charlotte Street
Brisbane QLD 4000


+617 3195-3830